Monday, July 29, 2013

It Starts Now!

The summer days are coming to a close and it is time to start planning. Hopefully, I have filled the tank enough to make it through the long road of the school year. With all of the unexpected delays, hills and slow cars in front of me, it is always a question.

I have rested, attended a great workshop, visited family but most of all I have not been in charge of anyone or their messes for 6 wonderful weeks. Ahhh, the glory of not cleaning up, cutting paper, preparing curriculum or dispersing discipline. I love summer, for that respite alone. Bonus, if I get to actually, go some place exciting!

Yesterday, I cracked the binder of planning for just a quick moment to help another teacher plan a leadership camp. Ugg. I had my first nightmare of the summer last night. They always happen before school starts. You know, the kind where you are in the wrong place, or you are naked with people laughing. It always happens. Well, the beginning of the lesson planning  starts now, so here come more nightmares. I am actually, pretty excited about school starting, so hopefully they will be good dreams instead. I guess we'll find out. Anyone else have this kind of thing happen?